Tag Archives: Classes

Have you missed me?

I hope you’re keeping well!
After a refreshing break this year, I’m delighted to tell you that I am organising some new in-person Feldenkrais classes and workshops, starting in October 2024. The ever popular First Saturdays will begin on 5th October at a new venue in Sheffield – Soul Fire Studios, 7 Edgedale Road, Sheffield S7 2BQ. These monthly sessions will be from 10 – 11.30am and the workshop fee is £15 per person or £25 for two friends together.
Here’s the following dates for these monthly workshops:
Saturday 5th October: Releasing Tension in the Neck & Shoulders.
Saturday 9th November: Easing Stiffness in the Feet, Knees & Ankles
Saturday 7th December: Happy Hips for Healthy Living

From 8th October 2024, I’m starting two new weekly classes in Sheffield and the venue for these will be The Annexe Suite, Sharrow Community Forum, The Old Junior School, South View Road, Sheffield S7 1DB.
10.00 11.00 am :  Your Yoga (Women only).
11.15 – 12.15 pm: Move Better, Feel Better! (Feldenkrais Class for everyone).

Class Pass of Five Classes: £40
Single Class: £10

Please email me on dianne_hancock@hotmail.com to book.

Watching the Flowers Grow…

My September newsletter is finally out! It’s been a busy year so far but I’m looking forward to teaching my new Autumn schedule of classes and mini courses. You can sign up for my monthly newsletter by going to the Contact page. Here’s a sample of this month’s edition: https://mailchi.mp/a0193238c9c2/first-saturday-workshops-6098901


Self-care for 2022

Happy New Year to you!
I hope that you’ve had a chance to rest and relax over the festive season. Feldenkrais classes start again this week so it’s a chance to get into a routine of self-care for 2022.
If you’re not ready to come back to live classes, Wednesday Feldy Online continues at 6-7pm. This weekly online session explores a range of classic Feldenkrais lessons that help reduce muscle tension and improve your range of movement.  The drop-in rate is £8.00 and you can book here . Alternatively, you can buy a Class Pass which is valid for 12 weeks – that’s five classes for £35. Please email me to get this.
I’ve created a new live Feldenkrais course for people to try! The “Restore Your Body” course is for four sessions where you’ll get the opportunity to delve a little deeper into a theme. Many of the Feldenkrais lessons address a certain subject, e.g. stiff shoulders, flexibility in the spine. I’ve put together four lessons on one topic only so that you can feel the real benefit and change from a concentrated approach.
The first course is ‘Relieving Tension in the Neck and Shoulders”, the dates are:

15th, 22nd, 29th January and 5th February 2022

​The second course is “Releasing Stiffness in the Feet and Ankles”, the dates are:
19th, 26th February and 5th, 12th March.
One four-week course is just £30 or buy both courses for £50. Email me to book or ask any
Venue: Room 4, All Saints Church Eccleshall, Ringinglow Road, Sheffield S11 7PP.
My 1:1 sessions (Functional Integration) are continuing on Mondays from 11-2pm at The Practice Rooms in Sheffield. I’m observing safe Covid measures for these and will continue to do so for the time being. These 1 hour sessions can be a real benefit to addressing long term issues around stiffness, lack of mobility or poor posture.
I am continuing a small amount of 1:1 sessions online for people who are either isolating or can’t travel into Sheffield to see me. During lockdown, this online work has proven surprisingly successful and I’m delighted that so many people have benefited from gentle encouragement and exploration. Again, if you’re interested in trying this, let me know.
I hope to see you soon – in the meantime, all best wishes for 2022!

Weekly Feldenkrais classes in Sheffield!

After a long time of teaching online, I am delighted to be back and teaching to people in person! “Move Better, Feel Better!” is a weekly Feldenkrais class in the lovely venue of All Saints Church Hall, Sheffield S11 7PP. Here’s the link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/move-better-feel-better-tickets-192699859467

Here we go…!

I’ve just added a whole schedule of workshops and classes to my Acuity booking system. As we move out of lockdown, I’m very happy to offer live classes and – for the time being – a Saturday workshop where you can choose to join via zoom or be there in person. Here’s the link to view all the available classes. https://MIndfulBodyclasses.as.me/

Back to School!

I’m back after a long break from posting here. My apologies, but sometimes life gets too busy communicating to communicate! I hope you’ve had a great summer and I’ve enjoyed meeting a lot of new clients over the last few months, as well as planning new classes and collaborations for the autumn. A full and up to date version of the new classes and events is in the calendar and you can also go to the Classes page to see what’s on offer.

Happy New Year!

Here we are, at the start of a new year and I’m really excited about the possibilities that could be waiting! January got a great start last weekend with the first First Saturday workshop “Improve Your Stride” at Breathe Pilates. We had a full class, full of a really interesting range of people all keen to explore better ways of moving. If you want to see the dates and themes of the next workshops, head over to  http://diannehancock.co.uk/classes/

Training Days

I’m part of the Feldenkrais Guild UK and about four times a year we get together for advanced training, sharing ideas and developing our skills as Feldenkrais practitioners. Last weekend, I had an enjoyable two days looking at new business ideas for my clients (lovely short of the back of my head here!). Watch this space for news of events, offers and classes in 2017.

Spring events

Here are the latest Feldy events coming up soon…
Weekly classes at Breathe Pilates: Saturdays 10.30-11.30 on 27 Feb., 5 and 12 March. Then 9, 16, 23 April. Book in advance or drop in.
Sunday workshop at 199 Rustlings Road: “Improving Balance and Coordination” Balance affects everything we do in moving – standing, walking, dancing and running. Most importantly, it affects how we feel about ourselves as we move through life. This workshop will help improve your movement efficiency and confidence. 10 April 2016 from 11.00-12.30pm. Please email to book (£18 for workshop – £5 deposit on booking)