Monthly Archives: February 2016

Spring events

Here are the latest Feldy events coming up soon…
Weekly classes at Breathe Pilates: Saturdays 10.30-11.30 on 27 Feb., 5 and 12 March. Then 9, 16, 23 April. Book in advance or drop in.
Sunday workshop at 199 Rustlings Road: “Improving Balance and Coordination” Balance affects everything we do in moving – standing, walking, dancing and running. Most importantly, it affects how we feel about ourselves as we move through life. This workshop will help improve your movement efficiency and confidence. 10 April 2016 from 11.00-12.30pm. Please email to book (£18 for workshop – £5 deposit on booking)

Releasing Your Jaw, Neck and Shoulders

Workshop: Releasing Jaw, Neck and Shoulders. 10.30-12.30 Saturday 20 February 2016
199 Rustlings Road, Sheffield S11 7DA
We often have unconscious habits that produce unpleasant results – if you took a moment to discover how often you hold your breath and clench your jaw you might find how this affects your whole self. Through using The Feldenkrais Method to increase your self-awareness , you will learn how to reduce muscular tension and experience a greater freedom of movement in your neck and jaw. You’ll learn also how to connect the movement to your neck, back and pelvis, releasing tension throughout your entire self. This workshop can be particularly helpful to people who suffer from headaches and/or neck and shoulder discomfort.