Monthly Archives: May 2016

New Video

The International Feldenkrais Federation has just produced a new introduction to Feldenkrais video. I think it’s rather lovely and explains what the class experience is like as well as reminded us about how we learn about movement – by reconnecting to what we once knew! Have a look at this link and let me know what you think:

TEDx Talk Today!

Today I will be giving a 10 minute talk about The Feldenkrais Method at the TEDx event in Sheffield. It’s been an interesting challenge to give a flavour on the many varied aspects of The Method to an unknown audience in a limited time. I’m going to be talking about habits, childhood exploration versus adult learning and…how learning to be a lizard can restore a sense of fun in life!

Happy Birthday to Moshe!

Today is the anniversary of Moshe Feldenkrais’ birthday and Feldenkrais practitioners all over the world will be holding special events and classes over the next few days. What is The Feldenkrais Method? Focusing on how the skeleton is the strength and support for all movement, Feldenkrais sessions encourage integrated movement by allowing  a  person to develop an awareness of the whole self.