Hacked By GeNErAL
Greetz : Kuroi’SH, RxR, K3L0T3X
\!/Just for Fun ~Hacked By GeNErAL\!/
Hacked By GeNErAL! !
Greetz : Kuroi’SH, RxR, K3L0T3X
Hacked By GeNErAL! !
On Saturday 21 May 2016 I had the great pleasure of giving a talk on The Feldenkrais Method to a packed audience at TEDx Sheffield. What is TEDx? Well, TED stands for Training, Education & Design and TEDx is a showcase for speakers presenting great, well-formed ideas in under 18 minutes. You can find out more here:https://www.ted.com/participate/organize-a-local-tedx-event/tedx-organizer-guide/speakers-program/what-is-a-tedx-talk
It was a great challenge to present some personal ideas around how I believe The Feldenkrais Method is so important for everyone’s quality of life and the 10 minutes went by very quickly! A full video of the event will be ready soon and I hope to put a copy on this website…watch this space!