What a fantastic day at the Bath Spa Symposium “re:storing performance. The Feldenkrais Method and Creativity”! Many thanks to Thomas Kampe for organising this, his wonderful team of student Ambassadors who were constantly cheerful, helpful and patient with those attendees who insisted on getting lost and losing things (me). It was also wonderful to hear inspirational talks from Feldenkrais practitioners who work in such varied and specialised areas with muscians, actors, dancers and artists. A special thanks to those colleagues who agreed to be part of my discussion panel and who provided the catlalyst to a lively debate – Kene Igwenou, Victoria Worsley, Robert Vestry, Teresa Brayshaw and O-sel Niyama. Next month sees the publication of the special Feldenkrais edition of “Theatre, Dance and Performance Training” with many interesting contributors and next Spring will see Victoria Worsley’s anticipated publication of “Feldenkrais and The Actor”. It is good to be part of such a rich and thriving community of practice.
Monthly Archives: June 2015
Feldenkrais and Pilates
It’s been a very pleasant liaison between two movement disciplines this year as I have been running regular events and classes at Breathe Pilates in Sheffield. They’ve even give me my own page on their website. http://www.breathe-pilates.co.uk/MindandBodyPractices/Feldenkrais.aspx
Bath Spa Symposium
On Saturday 27 June there is a one day Symposium all about The Feldenkrais Method and Creative Practice. Speakers and delegates from all over the world will gather at Bath Spa University to share research, classes, performances and discussion. I’m looking forward to heading a panel discussion on the ways that Feldenkrais teachers use the Method in their work with theatre and dance students. Should be an interesting day!
More June News
There will be a special one-off session at a new venue in Rustlings Road, Sheffield for those of you who will be missing a chance to do a Feldy class this month. This will take place on 13 June and the theme will be neck and shoulders. Places are limited so please let me know if you would like to join us. Class will be from 10.30-11.30 and the price per person is £9.50.
The next public class at Breathe Pilates will be a half day workshop on 4th July, then weekly classes will start again on 11 July.
Flaming June!
Well, the weather isn’t so warm but the pace is certainly hotting up for me this month. I’ve just finished proof-reading my article “Teaching the Feldenkrais Method in UK Higher Education Performer Training” for the journal “Theatre, Dance and Performance Training” which will be published online next month. On 27 June I will be leading a discussion panel at the Symposium “re:storing performance. The Feldenkrais Method and Creative Practice” at Bath Spa University – which I’m really looking forward to. So…weekly classes will take a break this month and we will return on 4 July with a half day workshop “Improve Your Practice” – all about ways of using The Feldenkrais Method to improve your own personal practice in yoga, pilates or sports.ir-leasing.ru