Tag Archives: training

Training with Ruthy Alon

I had a fantastic time this weekend, learning from one of our very respected practitioners Ruthy Alon. Ruthy first attended classes with Moshe Feldenkrais in 1957 and in 1967 was part of the first group of teachers trained by him. At the age of 87 years, she is still teaching, travelling and developing her own “Movement Intelligence” based on The Feldenkrais Method. If you’re interested in seeing Ruthy in action, here she is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igpJeOkgfzw

Training Days

I’m part of the Feldenkrais Guild UK and about four times a year we get together for advanced training, sharing ideas and developing our skills as Feldenkrais practitioners. Last weekend, I had an enjoyable two days looking at new business ideas for my clients (lovely short of the back of my head here!). Watch this space for news of events, offers and classes in 2017.