• What happens in a Feldenkrais Class?

Basically, The Feldenkrais Method has two formats – group class or one to one sessions. The group classes are called “Awareness through Movement” and the one to one sessions are called “Functional Integration” or “F.I.” (You don’t have to memorise these, let’s call them “Class” and “Individual”).

In a class session, the Feldenkrais teacher guides you through a sequence of simple, repetitive movements to help you gradually release restrictive habits and tensions. You might be sitting, standing or lying on a mat on the floor during these sessions.

  • What happens in an individual Feldenkrais session?

You might arrive with a specific issue such as lower back pain, stiff shoulders, balance or dizziness issues or perhaps you simply want to feel better aligned and less “creaky”. I’ll do a general assessment and then will gently encourage your body to release muscle tension so that you can move with more freedom and confidence. This is a hands-on treatment where you may spend most of the time lying on my treatment table; if appropriate, you might be sitting or standing for some of the time – it depends on what will work best for you. A one-to-one session (also called “Functional Integration”) is an ideal way to learn how your body moves and to undo unhelpful movement habits. Sometimes a single session can make a huge difference, a recent client said: “I feel like I have a whole new body!

  • I’d love to try Feldenkrais but I have difficulty travelling to a class – what can I do?

From time to time I do work with people who have difficulty travelling so, if appropriate, I can visit you in your home. Leave your name and contact details on the Contact page and I will email you as soon as I can. If you would find it easier to talk on the phone, please leave a number and the best time to call and I will ring you.

  • What are the benefits of doing Feldenkrais?

The Feldenkrais Method can give you a better understanding of how your body moves and why you may experience pain or difficulty. Each person has their own individual habits in moving through life and some of those habits may be limiting and restrictive. In a Feldenkrais session, you explore simple movement patterns in order to increase your movement capability, ease stiffness and tension. For some people, the classes will be beneficial as a way of releasing and relaxing the body, for others the classes may reveal a whole new way of enjoying movement.

  • I haven’t had any experience of movement classes or sports – is Feldenkrais for me?

Movement is something we all do in everyday life and The Feldenkrais Method can help you develop stress-free ways to carry out routine tasks such as lifting, carrying and digging in your garden.

  • What should I  bring and wear to the session:

Comfort is important in a Feldenkrais class so wear clothing that allows you to move freely. You may be lying on your back with your legs in the air, so leggings or jogging bottoms are recommended! It is best to bring an extra layer, such as a sweatshirt or jumper, in case you feel chilly.

  • Why don’t I just go to YouTube for a recorded class?

    Yes, there are lots of recorded classes in Feldenkrais and in yoga, many of them led by great teachers, but the advantage of a live class is that the teacher can still see you and can adjust the class to suit who’s there.

    I don’t like doing online classes, I hate seeing myself on film!

    Yes, seeing yourself on video can be a shock but remember, everyone is focussing on their own experience on the mat and can’t really see you. The teacher will be watching only to ensure your safety and to make sure you have a good experience.

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    Not sure?

    Contact me for a  taster session and then if you want to go further we can sort out the best type

Click here for a list of my classes or email me to discuss how we can work together to make you feel better.