I’m very pleased to announce that I will be starting a new Feldenkrais class at Equaminity Studios in Penistone this week. The new class will be from 10 – 11am every Thursday and is suitable for those new to the Method and for people who have already enjoyed the benefits of The Feldenkrais Method and how it can help you to improve your movement range with ease and comfort. Email info@equaminitypenistone.uk to book.
Monthly Archives: September 2019
Back to School!
I’m back after a long break from posting here. My apologies, but sometimes life gets too busy communicating to communicate! I hope you’ve had a great summer and I’ve enjoyed meeting a lot of new clients over the last few months, as well as planning new classes and collaborations for the autumn. A full and up to date version of the new classes and events is in the calendar and you can also go to the Classes page to see what’s on offer.