What is a Feldenkrais Teacher?

The Feldenkrais Method® offers a unique way of making lasting improvements to our lives through the medium of movement. We learn how to move through the world with greater ease, co-ordination, flexibility and grace.

It is a somatic practice that harnesses mindful attention and gentle movement to heighten awareness of ourselves and our sensations.  In doing so we learn from the inside out, making use of our brain’s plasticity – its ability to change for the better at any age.

Helping to ease shoulders

Teachers deliver lessons in two ways. They teach group classes called Awareness Through Movement®. Individual sessions are called Functional Integration®.

In the UK, Feldenkrais Practitioners have the letters FG(UK) after their name. This assured that they are graduates of an internationally recognised training programmes, are fully insured and are accountable to the Guild’s Code of Ethics, (available on the Guild Website).  Current members of the Feldenkrais Guild (UK) can be found on the Guild’s website and Guild Directory.