Feldenkrais Short Courses for 2022

I hope you’re well and 2022 is proving to be a positive time for you.
I’m delighted to say that this year began very positively for me when I introduced the new Feldenkrais short courses. For some time now, I felt that people could benefit from focussing on a single topic over a period of weeks. In January, I launched the first in this series – “Restore Your body: Freeing the Neck and Shoulders”. It was lovely to see people in a live class where I could offer personalised help and support; Feldenkrais online works well but there is nothing to beat the in-person experience!

If you missed out on attending this course, here is a link to one of the classes, you can get an idea of what you missed:
The next course in this series “Restore Your Body: Feet, Knees & Ankles” will start on Saturday 26 February. The following sessions will be on 5, 19 March & 2 April 2022. 
The third “Restore Your Body: Releasing the Hips & Pelvis” will be on 23rd & 30th April, 7th & 14th May.

Each short course will be 4 x 1 hour sessions on a Saturday morning and by the end of the four weeks, you will feel a real benefit to your body.

Venue: Room 4, All Saints Ecceshall, Ringinglow Road, Sheffield S11 7PP.

The price is just £30 for one course, buy both for £50. You can pay by bank transfer, card or PayPal. Please click here to email me your booking.

Just think – by making a simple 4 hour commitment,  your body will feel more flexible and invigorated!